Saturday, September 28, 2019

I Give The Boat a Toss, Part 2 (17B)

Photographs from Halifax and Pennant Point

A scene from the hostel's kitchen. Barrington Street

I unloaded the motorcycle while parked on Barrington Street, then moved it into safe underground parking next door.

I would ride it the next day, Sunday, out toward Pennant Point with Dad's ashes aboard, but Saturday night was my time for a walk-about, just following my nose. I had read a book before going east, about good pubs in Canada, and two were mentioned re Halifax, i.e., Rogues Roost and Prince Albert's Plum. 

I stumbled upon the first after walking toward the downtown and deciding - while stopped at a corner - to go in the opposite direction in which members of the younger crowd seemed to be walking. (Would my instincts be just as sharp the next day while searching for a quiet cove where I could bury Dad at sea?)

A few photographs related to Halifax walk-about:

 West of the hostel one finds many significant buildings

 My nose takes me toward Halifax Harbour

 I smell beer brewing at Alexander Keiths

 It is a good walk downhill to see the harbour. I'll get there later

 On my way home later in the evening, from Rogues Roost,
with a draft of a newspaper column to type up

Streets were busy w pedestrians but I focussed on iron fence work

Sunday morning and afternoon. I drove south and east toward Crystal Beach and Pennant Point with S.S. Silver Walnut strapped onto the motorcycle. The weather seemed perfect as I left the city and I was hopeful that I would find the right spot to toss the Walnut into the ocean. Before the day was done, hope had turned to despair.

Photos from the long and winding road:

 Room w a view. Looks like a good day to ride to the ocean

 Note the top slat has 3 screws to "open": hidden messages in wee bottles

 Ready to roll.

 The view from Herring Cove Rd.

 I pass several scenic spots, hamlets, etc. Yes, I could live there!

 Wanna go in together on a wee boat?

 This is where I got turned around a bit and did not find my way

 I eventually realize I am down the wrong road

Getting lost on the motorcycle did not fill me with despair. It was a normal part of my day. But once I'd found the right parking lot and trail to Pennant Point I lost my way again and almost tossed the boat into a dark corner of a wooded area. "Nobody will know," I said to myself.

But, a change of heart saved the day. Click here for more details.

 Now I'm going somewhere, toward Pennant Point and the ocean

 I eventually settle on a quiet spot. I think I'm at Mackerel Cove

 It is a peaceful spot with few spectators

 A few quiet photos before I give the boat a toss

 The folks off in the distance aren't going to bother me... I walk carefully to the water's edge. Slippery stuff is underfoot!

 I will step down and purposely jam one foot between two rocks

 After a healthy toss, Walnut pops up and I snap my first picture. See it?

After I read a few lines in memory of Dad, I head back the way I came:

 I take several 'last looks' at the wee cove 

 I finally get back to marked trails. Now, to find the bike!

Back on the bike, I see signs I'll remember for next time!

On the way back to Halifax I stopped at a corner store for a cheeseburger and a couple of pints for 'later that evening'. And back at the hostel, safe and sound, I wrote a few notes related to the day.

I did the trip again in 2014. Found Mackerel Cove, reflected on the deed I'd accomplished four years earlier, rode back to the same hostel and relaxed in the kitchen with my iPad and a beer.

Unbeknownst to me, a young fella - a practicing, hopeful artist - sketched me while hard at work.

Hard at work or hardly working?

More photos and videos to follow.

Please link to I Give the Boat a Toss (17)

Photos GH

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